Bag-pipe, having or playing on it
Much hindrance in undertakings in matrimonial state, trouble, plague, and misfortune of all kinds.
Read more about Bag-pipe, having or playing on it - the best dream dictionary is free online source for dream interpretation by spiritual, psychological, general aspects and with dream meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Start your journey of uncovering the meanings of your dreams here:
Much hindrance in undertakings in matrimonial state, trouble, plague, and misfortune of all kinds.
Read more about Bag-pipe, having or playing on it
Seeing a happy friend; bad for servants, for others good; also denotes generosity.
Read more about Ears, having large ones
Disaster, death of relatives or acquaintances; or, loss of a lover. 230.
Read more about Instruments of music, seeing or having
Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.
Read more about Nails on the fingers, seeing or having long and well-shaped
Vexation, misfortune, poverty and sorrows. 185.
Read more about Chest, seeing or having an empty one
Persecution, disgrace, poverty, and failure in business. 73.
Read more about Knives, seeing or having
Of silk, poor circumstances; of linen or cotton, doubtful luck.
Read more about Stockings, having or putting on
…(especially when this person is young), it means that hell have to work to survive, even if its not nice, you better work with enthusiasm and resignation. When a woman dreams of being married, engaged or making moves to a famous actor, reveals her imaginative mind, which means that she doesnt have her feet on the ground. Therefore, this is…
Read more about Actors or actresses
Surgery in a dream represents the real limb which is operated on in one’s dream. If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love. As for elderly people, it means distress. Having a…
Surgery in a dream represents the real limb which is operated on in one’s dream. If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love. As for elderly people, it means distress. Having a…