
Dreaming of pencils, denotes favorable occupations. For a young woman to write with one, foretells she will be fortunate in marriage, if she does not rub out words | in that case, she will be disappointed in her lover….

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Army general

…he qualify for such a position, it means prosperity, honor and blessings. If one does not qualify for such a position, then it may mean his death. If a poor person sees himself as an army general in a dream, it means disturbances and that he will raise his voice. As for a prisoner, it means his release from jail….

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In the dream you are in the zoo and in the cage, this indicates that you can not express yourself freely, you are placed in some king of frames this does not allow you to show your talents and unique skills. Also the zoo may represent confusion and uncertainty in your life, you feel like an animal without any possibility…

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Association: Beginning; understanding. Question: What will start? General Meanings: Dawn describes an ambiguous situation in which we find ourselves. The dusk does not lead us out of this problem. The dawn hopefully indicates that we will solve our problems eventually. Psychological Meanings: The fusion of light and darkness is a symbol of romance and the mental “hovering between two worlds.”…

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Train station

…determines the departure of the trains usually represents the life circumstances that force a change in your life. Psychological Meanings: Time for Changes The unconscious sends you a sign that you not have to miss the right train. The station is a building which will bring something new in our life. Dreams about stations are very common. It does not…

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If you dream of the treadmill, then such dream shows the attempt that did not pay off. The dream warns you to stop doing whatever you were doing, because it does not bring any positive results.

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Thunderbolts in a dream are signs of punishment, illness or death. If a thunderbolt hits and burns something in the dream, it means false rumors, damages, financial losses, recession, or dumping of merchandise. A thunderbolt in a dream also means a warning for a sinner, the punishment for his crime, devastation, calamities, diseases, tornados, plagues, a blast, a major political…

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(Honor) If one who qualifies to be honored for his achievements is crowned and honored with the laurel of fame or a crown of victory in a dream, it means blessings in one’s life. If one does not qualify for that, then it denotes his mere passion, want, or desire. (Also see Flag | Honor)…

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If you dream about the fairy, then it shows that you are looking for help, but cannot accept this fact. Perhaps you are the person that does everything by himself, therefore you find it hard to accept others help. If you see the fairy that is the evil one, then you should release all of the bad emotions that are…

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When you dream of drinking an alcohol, but in a small amounts, it represents you going on the right direction, reaching the proper destinations while feeling fulfilled that you managed to reach them. It means you are managing the problems the way they supposed to be managed and t means that whatever you do you it will be successful and…

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Dreaming of being a successful professional or dreaming of being in a profession that does not match with what we actually do in real life, indicates that there is something in the symbolism of that profession that is important to us. All professions are related with an area of our consciousness and we should take this into consideration when interpreting…

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(Butterskin) A churn, a butterskin, or a container in which people make butter in a dream represents a scholar or a renunciate who imparts his knowledge to people but does not act upon it.

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…of frustrations whose solutions in real life are not understood, that is, it requires a careful analyzation of the dreamer’s actions to be able to get out of the problem that afflicts the dreamer. Dreaming of others in depressive or melancholic state hints that the dreamer must have made mistakes, but still does not recognize them and is in denial….

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(Money) In a dream, poison means money. If one drinks poison and if his body swells and emits pus in the dream, it means profits. If his body does not show such effects in the dream, it means sorrow and distress. A lethal quantity of poisons in a dream means death. If a poor person sees himself drinking poison in…

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…dream, it means assiduity and veiling or protecting of one’s privacy. A ladder laid on the floor in a dream means authority, while a raised ladder means recovering from an illness. A ladder also represents travels, comfort to a person who is struck by sorrows, or it could represent a great person. Climbing a new ladder in a dream means…

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…efforts to what he does and to show himself to the public. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fear if see newspaper – To dream newspapers so this means that you may have fear, that others could know the secret of your own. Also the fear of detection of commercial fraud, which will negatively affect reputation; News if receive or send a…

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Water carrier

(Delivering water) In a dream, a water carrier represents a man of piety and trueness, because he practices the best of deeds and particularly if he does not receive a wage for his delivery in the dream. If one sees himself filling a bottle of water and delivering it to a house, it represents his earnings. A water carrier in…

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means that he may die within a short time. Becoming taller in a dream means longevity, prosperity, or begetting a son. If one finds himself missing partial mental keenness or physical abilities or a limb in a dream, it means that he may suffer losses relating to his worldly interests. If a man sees himself transformed into a woman, and…

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…it means that she will give birth to a new child. A broken glass in a dream means death. A broken glass in a dream also signifies the death of one’s wife. If one sees himself carrying a glass of water, then if the glass falls and breaks, while the water remains in his hand in the dream, it means…

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Medlar tree

(Crab apple | Crataegus azarolus | Mespilus germanica) Eating a bitter tasting applelike fruit of the medlar tree or any of such varieties that are also used in making preserves, or eaten yellow, spoiled, or unripened in a dream means a sickness. The more yellowish is its color in the dream, the more pain and suffering such an sickness will…

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Grain merchant

In a dream, a grain merchant represents a man of dignity whose earnings are blessed if he does not need to sell his merchandise in the dream, but if he is eager to dispose of his merchandise, then it will bring him humiliation. If one sees the governor of his town selling grains in a dream, it means that he…

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To blow into fire in a dream means kindling a conflict or exasperating and intensifying it. Blowing into the ground in a dream means unveiling a secret or reprimanding one who does not keep a secret. Blowing into the vagina of a woman in a dream means that she will become pregnant. Blowing the trumpet of resurrection in a dream…

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If you have been stalked in a dream, then such dream indicates the barriers and obstacles you avoid to meet. Just because you are unable to confront these problems, does not mean that they will disappear. Make sure you pull yourself together and solve those problems. If someone was stalking you in reality, then it means that you still did…

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Fire (many authors)

Fire The element of fire in a dream represents might. Fire in a dream also means love. A product that is touched by fire in the process of its manufacturing or cooking in a dream means arguments and disputes. In a dream, fire also signifies glad tidings, a warning, war, chastisement,… Fire To dream that something of your property is…

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…If he bleeds in the dream, it means that his subjects draw benefits from him. Crucifixion of a poor person in a dream means richness, while for a rich person, it means revelations about his business dealings, exposure of his true character, defamation, or it could mean poverty. As for an unwed person, crucifixion in a dream means getting married….

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General Meanings: Fear In dreams we often return to the past, a dream of bed-wetting symbolizes fear about lack of control and self-confidence. Your fear not to be able to control the events of your life. In some cases, the dream may also refer to sexual problems. Psychological Meanings: Uncertainty Perhaps the dreamer is worried about how he behave. Does

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Glorifying God’s sovereignty in a dream is a confirmation of one’s true faith. If in real life the person is ill, imprisoned or in fear, glorifying God Almighty in a dream means his cure, freedom and peace. If one sees himself performing his prescribed prayers, then following that with invocations of God’s glory in a dream, it means that one…

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(Dismay | Fright | Terror) In a dream, fear means the opposite. In fact, fear in a dream represents peacefulness and repentance in wakefulness. If one sees himself scared and running away from fear in a dream, it means that he will win the upper hand. If one sees himself in a dream waiting to battle with fear, it means…

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Departure (take off)

…Who are thinking ” Everything or nothing ” -mastered challenges brilliantly and wants to withdraw joy. The starting position, a window seat on the plane, take off, everything becomes smaller and smaller – then through the clouds into the boundless blue. What does this mean, that you want to tolerate and to cope psychologically with moments of happiness and euphoria….

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General Meanings: The mirror of the feelings The dream symbol of face appears in the dream when the dreamer is ready to face his real face, to understand himself better, to find the mistakes. The expression of the face can show the anxiety, sadness, worries or happiness of the dreamer. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Aspiration if healthy face – To…

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Dreaming of saying goodbye to someone insinuates that soon unpleasant news of distant relatives or friends will be received. A young woman dreaming of saying goodbye to her lover suggests that these romantic relationships are not going well. If in the dream the other person does not feel affected by the dismissal, it indicates that in reality there’s no true…

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Dreaming about other people being naked symbolizes that you want to have illicit pleasures. It may also suggest that some of your friends are not recommendable and will entail problems. When a woman dreams of undressing and worse if she does it in public, it’s a warning of the risk of falling into a scandal because of slander. This dream…

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Bowing in prayers

…time elapses in a dream, it means that he does not pay his due alms. Bowing in prayers in a dream also means a job for someone who needs it most. Bowing in a dream also means longevity. If a woman sees herself bo wing before God Almighty in prayers in a dream, it means repentance and exalting her name…

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Washing the dead

(Undertaker) If one sees a deceased person washing himself before burial in a dream, it means relief for one’s dependents and increase of their wealth after him. Washing a deceased person in a dream means that someone will repent at the hand of the undertaker. If a deceased person asks someone to wash his clothing in a dream, it means…

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General Meanings: In the dream instinctive wishes are represented as the threat. Mostly the dreamer does not defend himself at all, but thinks of an escape. You can defend yourself only when your conscience is calm. Then he may find the most proper way to defend or to avoid damage. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Support from friends if defend someone…

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(Adversities | Benefits | Brother in-law | Distress | Father-in-law | Mother- in-law | Profits | Son in-law | Stress) Having in-laws in a dream for someone who does not have in-laws means strength, peace and tranquility.

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…he becomes a measurer or a measuring controller, or a surveyor in a dream, and if he qualifies, it means that he will be appointed as a judge, or as a leader. If he does not qualify, it means that he will grow in wisdom, righteousness, justice and balance which he can use to help himself and others. (Also see…

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…also denotes justice. Being the only person resurrected on such a day means one’s death. Standing up awaiting one’s judgement on the Day of Resurrection in a dream means travels. If one sees himself and his wife being the only people who are brought for judgement of the grand Day of Gathering in a dream, it means that he is…

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In a dream, it means toiling in one’s life and exhaustion. This is thus interpreted if one does not actually see himself going through the motion of taking off his shoes and walking barefooted. Otherwise, in that case, it means that he will receive an appointment to a high ranking position. Walking barefooted in a dream is also interpreted as…

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…this probably indicates a wide range of possibilities for you in the real life. Psychological Meanings: Support The dreamer takes vitamins, then this denotes that he/she apparently is worried about his/her own health. Every person know that he/she does the best for himself and take as much as he/she can out of life. Perhaps the dreamer understood that there are…

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If one is investigated or probed in a court by people he does not know in a dream, it means that he has strayed into innovation and will remain account- able for his deeds. (Also see Digging up the past)

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…generous woman. A grapevine in the wintertime in a dream represents a woman who has lost her wealth, though one still thinks that she is rich. Plucking a bunch of grapes from an espalier in a dream means spending one’s money on a woman. If one sees it but does not pluck any grapes from it in the dream, it…

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Thunderbolts in a dream are signs of punishment, illness or death. If a thunderbolt hits and burns something in the dream, it means false rumors, damages, financial losses, recession, or dumping of merchandise. A thunderbolt in a dream also means a warning for a sinner, the punishment for his crime, devastation, calamities, diseases, tornados, plagues, a blast, a major political…

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…that he became castrated, or if he does so to himself in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with humiliation and submission to someone’s command. If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an…

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(Dismay | Fright | Terror) In a dream, fear means the opposite. In fact, fear in a dream represents peacefulness and repentance in wakefulness. If one sees himself scared and running away from fear in a dream, it means that he will win the upper hand. If one sees himself in a dream waiting to battle with fear, it means…

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Dream of giving advice to another person or it’s simply a profession the dreamer follows, the counsel applies to the dreamer upon a profession which he does follow.

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Killing red snake

…reptiles. And the relaxation of the organ can be felt up to few times during a night sleep. Also, if you move year head and your closed eyes away from morning sunrise red light, then this removal of external stimulation can be used by your mind to recreate a dream in which you kill or someone else does it to…

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(Eyebrow) Seeingone’s father in a dream means attainingone’s goal. One’s dreams are most beneficial when he sees his parents, grand parents or a relative. Seeing one’s father in a dream when in wakefulness one needs help means that help will come his way from sources he does not anticipate. If in real life he is awaiting someone’s return from a…

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Whether you fall into it or another person does, it symbolizes your fear of death and emptiness. Perhaps there is something in your subconscious that you do not want others to discover.

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General Meanings: All the negative aspects Eating lemon often indicates annoyance, disappointments and bitterness, which one must not be overestimated, because this will be overcome. Sometimes, it also can stand as a failure or a deception by others behind that. Psychological Meanings: Development of personality The lemon is a fruit and it is a dream symbol of success, happiness, confidence…

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