
waking life or it indicates traumatic events from waking life. The fear of death is ancient and primal. This fear is common for most of us. Fear in the nightmare is self defense mechanism. Sometimes the dream about death is just a scenario, which must be relived in the dream, to give us insight about feelings in case of death…

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Waking up

Dreaming of waking up sometimes manifests as a feeling of flying, but almost always with many difficulties and limitations, which implies that the subconscious or spirit, being linked to the physical body, does not enjoy the freedom and independence it would like to have. Also, it indicates that the matters being handled by the dreamer, present many difficulties, and this…

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Catching a snake

If you catch the snake in your dream it could have many different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream and your waking life. Your feelings while catching the snake Feeling fearless while catching the snake: If you are trying to catch the snake with your hands and have no fear of doing it, then such dream shows your…

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…of anger. Also, it represents some combination of difficult circumstances in waking life that is mentally painful and very hard to accept. Do you feel intense bitterness currently in your life? Or maybe there is a situation that goes far away from what you have expected. Anything what is being on fire could represent the complete loss of something. Fire…

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General Meanings: Danger and Needs for sexuality Burglary often stands for a danger which you yourself have not noted, but still can not avoid. Besides if you suppress the sexuality too strongly in your waking life, here also can be expressed the need for sexual adventures. Sense of guilt and Destroyed minds When you are caught in a burglary, the…

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Dead father

Personally, I never have the dream about my deceased father, or I don’t remember one, because I never knew my own biological father in real life. Basically, it means that the real connection in waking life with the father is most important factor, by which our subconscious mind recreates the vision of the father in the dreams. But for others…

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Work, worker

…different qualifications of the workers have different meanings. If you are a shop assistant in your waking life and dream about being one, then such dream is simply a reflection of your waking life. The work you do in the dream, but do not do in your waking life is interpreted as the sign for necessity in doing some special…

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Snake with many heads

…on snake body means particular person in your waking life. Maybe recently you had a fight with someone. Snake with a human head also shows your instinctive logic. Snake with multiple dog heads can mean threats from your friends. Multi dragon heads on body of a snake means divine powers, that are coming into your waking life. Big brown snake…

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…situation makes your worried and is burning you up inside. Dream of burning house symbolizes sexual desire or loving friends. Alternatively, house on fire means ground breaking situation in waking life. To dream that are putting out a fire, means that your success is inevitable and that your will win against any obstacles in your waking life. But it also…

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…the others. When you see the dark or black horse in a dream, then it shows something mysterious, unknown and unrecognizable. Maybe you are taking some risk in your waking life, therefore you see the black horse. If you dream about the horse which is white, then such dream indicates the purity, goodness and richness. The good days are coming…

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Diamond ring

…areas and activities of waking life: social area – relationship, friendship, professional area – career, business, health area – physic and psychic wholeness. Good dreams about diamond rings and their meanings: Purpose, status and sex – Dreaming of diamond ring meanings by gender, by status and by purpose: For single woman – shows the desire to be united; announces success…

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waking life that you’ve build yourself. If you have opened the door of the garage then such dream represents resolutions you made for some matter. Perhaps you made up your mind about something very important. If you closed the door of the garage in the dream, then it could also show the end of something important in your waking life….

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If you kick someone in a dream, then it signifies the anger, frustration and aggression. Perhaps you are unable to show this in your waking life, therefore you are dreaming about it. If someone has kicked you, then there is some situation in your waking life which you are unable to control and feel deceived. The dream tries to show…

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…inability to control your life, especially if the dreamer sees the gate being closed. If the dreamer is unable to open the gate, then he should reconsider the situations and activities in his waking life that he is not happy about. The dream could also indicate that you are not ready to take some important action in your waking life….

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Perhaps you are trying to close yourself from all of the negativity you are surrounded by. Maybe you find it difficult to be open to other people. If you lost the keys in a dream, then such dream indicates about some position in your waking life which you’ve lost. Perhaps you are unable to manage it anymore. The dream, in…

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…to your family members, colleagues; Need Changes If Releasing from it – To dream that you or someone is released from prison means that you need to make some major changes in your waking life. Eventually, you will overcome your obstacles; Wealth If Locked and Tied up – In the dream you are locked and tied up, this dream shows…

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Foreign country (abroad)

…only trying to make you more familiar before making decisions. The unconscious intention to explore the unknown places is more accurate, when in waking life the need for more security is real. The dream can also represent something you are going to run away from. Fear to do changes If you are dreaming, that you are going abroad, it represents…

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…will receive the re-birth of your spirituality. But sometimes it can indicate a care for a baby. Thus it means a birth of a baby in waking life. Finally, if you are struggling in your life, then Lucifer can indicate breaking the ice of troubles. And that predicts an easiness for you in the new dawn of your waking life….

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…feeling of danger can be interpreted as a warning. Probably the dreamer is taking a big risk in waking life. If the dreamer feels satisfaction with dangerous adventure in the dream, then in waking life he is safe, because he is capable to manage the risk. Psychological Meanings: Bored life and need for changes In the life something can change…

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…of pain, then it symbolizes difficulty in search for better understanding of how things work in spiritual life. To jump over a fire means to fly over all of the difficulties. Also, it omens that you might have new birth or self-renewal in waking life. Additionally, it symbolizes your imaginary vision being supported by solid logic. Jumping over fire also…

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…the unconscious condition to a conscious – the lessons which the dream gives to us should be heeded in waking life. Decision of changes In the dream the room looks exactly like in reality, signifies that very soon you will be packed by boredom of your life and this moment will lead you to decision to leave your current environment…

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If you dream that you are in a hurry, then such dream shows how unready you are in waking life. Perhaps there is some situation in your waking life that you are not prepared to deal with. The dream could also indicate that you feel confused and don’t know how to deal with some tasks. The dream in which you…

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Being invisible (invisibility)

…of important figures or fellows in the waking life. Secondly, this is a possibility for the dreamer to do what ever he wants, because nobody can see him. This is one of the frequent omnipotence dreams. Psychological Meanings: Your shadow and conscience When dreamer is conscious that something is invisible in his dream, this represents as a prompt, just simply…

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When the dreamer cries in his dream, then such dream shows the unfavorable feelings the one is suffering. Perhaps the dream balances the state of your mind, where you feel stressed and frustrated in your waking life, but you are unable to express those emotions. In the dream the unconscious mind of yours gives you the release and lets to…

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…in the dream a dog has accompanied the dreamer, then it shows that his instincts are awake; Pain means lack of confidence – If a dog is chained up or tortured, then it symbolizes the unconscious mind with complexes in waking life; Big or giant dog means relaxation – Large dogs symbolizes mitigation of problems and relief in the waking

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If you dream about the pillow, then such dream represents the comfort, stability and safety you have in your waking life. If the pillow feels comfortable and pleasant, then you are happy with your life. If it feels very uncomfortable, then it means that you should make some more comfort in your waking life instead of thinking about the comfort…

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…special feelings you have towards someone in your waking life. Such dreams could also indicate the present status of your feelings towards someone in your life. If you are spending lots of time with this person in your daily life or thinking about him/her either, then dreaming about the crush is very normal, because your feelings are the same while…

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The wind is the symbol of variations and alterations in your waking life. If the wind is very strong, the changes will be significant, but if it is not very strong or even mild one, you will not have any huge changes in your waking life. On the other hand, the strong wind indicates the power that is in you,…

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Cemetery (graveyard)

…of the cemetery is clear: we talk about the place of the dead. Trying to solve the problems with the help of the death people Who goes to a grave through the cemetery, he seeks to visit a world which for him still contains secret life. When the dreamer goes through the cemetery, this shows that in the waking life…

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Damask Rose

…have. If you dream of receiving the damask of rose, then it shows that you will meet someone special in your waking life that will turn into new and true relationships. If the dreamer is the woman and put the damask rose into her hair, then it shows the betrayal she will suffer from another woman in her waking life….

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If you see a friend in the dream, then such dream represents your waking life and the relationships you have with the people you are surrounded by. The dream shows that the people make the big influence to you and your personality. The friendships and relationships you have, made the person you are today. The dream about certain friends could…

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Someone praying for you

If you dream that someone is praying for you, it can indicate your congenital magic perspective of current waking life events. You have a feeling that something special is going on right now in your life. To see such action in a dream, also means the fact of being primary and preeminent. You are more important than you think you…

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When you dream of the war, then such dream identifies the chaos in your personal life. Maybe you are in conflict with someone in your waking life. Try to sort out those issues with the certain people. The dream of the war could indicate the personal conflict you are having with yourself. Maybe you have the disagreement with yourself and…

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If you are abandoned in your dream then it shows controversial aspects of your waking life. It shows that you will coordinate with your partner, or will find the solution to some waking problem. If you are abandoning someone, then it shows that some kind of problems are trying to get to you, but your dream is interpreted as the…

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Psychological Meanings: Ability to show skills Embarrassment in dream shows that you should reward yourself more often for good work. This emotional state in dream as in waking life is related to skills and abilities because all your shortages may cause exact feeling. The dream of embarrassment represents current position in which there is plenty of space to make things…

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If you dream about having the journey, then such dream symbolizes new adventures, richness and self-knowledge. The feelings you are experiencing while taking this journey is interpreted as the reflection of the situation in your waking life. If you dream that some of your friends it taking the journey, then it promises great friendship and new adventures in your waking

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If you are looking for a job in a dream, then such dream indicates some kind of the lack which is in your waking life. Perhaps you feel that your life is not fulfilled completely. If you dream about the job in which you are working at the moment, then it is interpreted as the reflection of your waking life…

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War, combat, fighting zone

Dreaming of a war zone represents turbulent events of waking life. Anger or depression is destructive force, which leads your subconscious mind to combat zone in a dream. Any sort of conflict from real life could initiate this. Probably you are in constant feeling of pressure. Your fear for unfulfilled expectations is another reason to dream about military actions. Being…

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The dream, in which you are happy, denotes to the opposite feelings in your waking life. Perhaps the subliminal mind of yours is trying to compensate the pressure, strain and sorrow you are having in your waking life.

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…something in your waking life. The tiger is the symbol of bravery, so if you saw yourself being a tiger, it could mean that you have no fear or being very aggressive towards the others. The tiger sometimes shows the qualities of the person who is in unstable state of mind, after much stress or some situation in waking life….

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…dream, then such dream indicates the innocence and goodness that lies within you. If you are no longer the virgin in your waking life, but dreaming about being a virgin, then it shows the pity you have about something you did or didn’t do in the past. Consider forgiving yourself, otherwise you will suffer even more in your waking life….

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…difficult to manage as well as a treasure. If somebody dreams who he is penniless or poor in the waking life, this means luck and prosperity during days, the return of the former splendid relations. If somebody dreams who is rich at the waking life, that shows him many offensiveness and poverty. General Meanings: Evaluation of Own Worth – In…

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Tool way

The tool way in dreams signifies going from one phase to another in your waking life. The dream can indicate the facts that already happened, the ones that happening at this time of your life or some situations that are waiting for you in the future. If you paid for the tool way in your dream it means that you…

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If you dream of seeing yourself being a groom, then such dream can be interpreted as the sign of joy in some aspect of your life. The groom also shows that you like whatever you do in your waking life and enjoying it. The groom could also show that you like to be the center of the attention. You do…

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…wife in the dreams are the same ones you have in your waking life. If you see the other person being your wife, but not your own, it means that you would like to see some of the features of that person in your waking life’s wife. To dream of somebody else being your wife could also mean that you…

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…past, or he is afraid to embrace the future. Release of feelings – The kind of crying can be very revealing. Cry in the dream often appears from inner tensions, especially if you can not cry in the waking state. Sometimes it is the need to express the remorse of a day, what may be associated with self pity. The…

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This kind of dream shows that you are wasting your energy too much only on one project and that is why you feel tired and not inspired from time to time. If you are working at the laboratory in your waking life, then such dream is a simple reflection of your actual life. If the tests you did with some…

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