Field, seeing a neglected one
Interruption of undertakings, disturbance in business. 9.
Read more about Field, seeing a neglected one - the best dream dictionary is free online source for dream interpretation by spiritual, psychological, general aspects and with dream meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Start your journey of uncovering the meanings of your dreams here:
Interruption of undertakings, disturbance in business. 9.
Read more about Field, seeing a neglected one
Hope of success, fortune in love and marriage, wealth and honour, prospect of receiving a good office. 123.
Read more about Field, seeing a green one
…for it. Spiritual Meanings: A dwarf symbolizes an unconscious and an undifferentiated force of nature. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Talents if seeing a dwarf in your dream – Signifies that you will meet somebody, who will help you to develop your hidden talents; Good times if seeing a dwarf as a good character – In your dream the dwarf is…
Meeting of relations, vexation with friends and relatives. 233.
Read more about Crows on trees, seeing many
(Upon him be peace.) Seeing him in a dream and feelinghappy for his meeting brings glad tidings. If the archangel Gabriel in one’s dream speaks to him, advises him, or admonishes him in the dream, it means receiving a great honor, strength, victory in one’s life and glad tidings. If the person is oppressed, it means that he will triumph…
Read more about Archangel Gabriel