Grandfather or grandmother, seeing or talking to it
Accomplishing good project; also, a sudden case of death. 96.
Read more about Grandfather or grandmother, seeing or talking to it - the best dream dictionary is free online source for dream interpretation by spiritual, psychological, general aspects and with dream meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Start your journey of uncovering the meanings of your dreams here:
Accomplishing good project; also, a sudden case of death. 96.
Read more about Grandfather or grandmother, seeing or talking to it
Dreaming that you have spoken with your grandma, means that she will have a disease.
…worries and with home protection. The dreams in which we see ourselves as adults but in the landscape of our childhood will give us information we had forgotten and will facilitate the understanding of tensions and latent complexes. This dream may indicate a victory over complexity and anxiety. It is a step in the conquest of inner peace and confidence…
It is a sign of happiness at home. If we are babies, it indicates that the dreamer felt very loved and cared.
Unless you have in mind the desire to have children and you worry so much about the idea, that the desire appears in your dream, if you dreamed with babies is because your creativity is on the way. It might be that you will start a new business very soon, or that your skills will be recognized.
…water: (1) Prison, especially if the dreamer falls in it. (2) An unhappy life, full of miseries. Limpid water: Cheap prices and better justice. Underground water: Isolation, humiliation, and misery in view of the verse in the Holy Quran that reads as follows: “Say: Have ye thought: if [all] your water were to disappear into the earth, who then could…
…sexuality – such dream indicates the joy and happiness in your and your significant other communication; Longing for the deep feelings if watching others having a sexual experience – to dream that you are watching other people having sexual intercourse, shows the lack of love in your life. You wish to have someone to experience those things the others were…
Disaster, death of relatives or acquaintances; or, loss of a lover. 230.
Read more about Instruments of music, seeing or having
Happy and contented matrimonial life, and many children.
Read more about Cards, having many hearts in a game of
Much hindrance in undertakings in matrimonial state, trouble, plague, and misfortune of all kinds.
Read more about Bag-pipe, having or playing on it
Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.
Read more about Nails on the fingers, seeing or having long and well-shaped
An unfortunate undertaking, commenced, and losing thereby.
Read more about Rivals, having or making acquaintance of
Fortune by marriage, contentedness; after other interpreters, sorrow and melancholy. 4.
Read more about Quinces, seeing or having
Lucky occurrence, marriage with one’s love, wealth, and honour….
Read more about Dice, having a game at
Dying far from friends, marrying in a foreign country.
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