Mad Dog

Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Real true if angry dog – In the dream you see a mad, angry or furious dog then this means that all falsehood will be unmasked and will be disproved unfair allegations;…

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To dream of a dog, shows that your friends are faithful; if he appears to be sleeping, you need have no fears; but if he runs and barks, pay attention to yourself and your affairs; if he runs behind you, somebody is slandering you; if he is fighting with another dog, fear persecution; if with a cat, you will quarrel;…

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…we repress fear, so they appear in our dreams. Also the motivation of repressed fear may be that we do not want to feel pain. Helps to find out and solve your fear We have to look deeper to our fear in our dreams, this may help us to find the answer or situation in our real life. Most frightening…

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To dream of a flying bat means an impending catastrophe (not infrequently from water), but not necessarily to the dreamer. To dream of a motionless bat means some impending illness of a more or less serious nature, but not necessarily of the dreamer. If, however, the sleeper dreams the bat settles on him, then he himself will be the sufferer…

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Browse dreams dictionary by search

You can browse Good Dreaming by using dreams’ search engine: Search for: Remember the most significant symbols of your dream. Separate them and put these words (one word at the time) in text box and search for dream interpretation in multi-cultural dream-book. This search engine will find all dreams that are most related to your dream….

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Deceased father

Deceased father dream means that the real connection in waking life with the father is most important factor, by which our subconscious mind recreates the vision of the father in the dreams. If the bond between you and your father was not very strong, then there will be not so much of those dreams. But for others the dream about…

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Without going into detail with regard to variety in shade, colour in dreams, especially when it is vivid and predominant, has much significance. The separate meaning of each separate colour in dreams is as follows:Light blue signifies impending trouble, particularly matrimonial and domestic troubles; serious quarrels between husband and wife, and parents and children; also suicide and murder.Dark blue, recovery…



…the tendency of the dreamer to hide his true face under the beard or create completely misleading image of himself. The beard could also reflect the outside dreams world and the influence of the culture the beard has. Because in many different countries and cultures beard is known for the symbol of protection, masculinity the dreamer could dream of the…

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There are unquestionably certain people who, in their dreams, witness events that are actually taking place at the time.A lady I knew, Mrs. P., who lived in Gloucester Place, W., dreamed one night she was in a big seaport town, where the streets were all numbered and laid out in blocks according to the American system, and where in one…



If a woman dreams that she’s being shaven, it means that due to her natural behavior and character, she is being too masculine, it annoys men who she interacts with. When a woman dreams of a man shaving, it could signify that due to her sexy nature she’ll easily fall into illicit pleasures. When a man dreams that someone else…

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Dreaming of a lap-dog, foretells you will be succored by friends in some approaching dilemma If it be thin and ill-looking, there will be distressing occurrences to detract from your prospects.

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Prairie dog

The prairie dog is interpreted as the symbol of some situations that are being wild, free and unexpected. The dream could also show that you wish to be free from all of the responsibilities and duties that you have. Perhaps you feel that you have too much on your shoulders.

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Dog House

If you see the dog house in a dream, then such dream indicates the problems you have got yourself into. Perhaps you pay for what you have done in the past.

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Dreaming of a lap-dog, foretells you will be succored by friends in some approaching dilemma If it be thin and ill-looking, there will be distressing occurrences to detract from your prospects….

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The dogs in dreams are always the symbolism of friendship especially if the dreamer plays with them. If you are chased by an angry dog, then such dream represents deception from your friends or your relatives.

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Hot Dog

If you eat a hot dog in a dream, then it could indicate your desire for sexuality or/and intercourse. The hotdog could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping.

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…painful experience, but with energy and serenity you will soon get back to prominence and happiness; – In women’s dreams symbolize flowers great expectations and hopes of love; – A young woman receives a bouquet of different flowers, then they will have many admirers; – A dreamer himself picking flowers: your hopes will fulfill your secret desires. Hindu – You…

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(See Sleep.) To dream you relate your dreams to any one, shows something unlooked for will take place. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41, 18….

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Dreaming of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to…

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Dreaming of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to…

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…desires the dreamer has or any other subject that is related to nudity. Usually the nakedness shows the embarrassment for something the one has. Maybe the dreamer is in very bad mental state, therefore he has the dreams that are related to nudity. Mainly such dreams shows the certain things or situations the dreamer is in at the moment and…

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…brain to rest completely during the sleep. It also shows that you are not fully asleep and you are in wide-awake dreaming, where you are not fully asleep and some part of your brain is still not sleeping. The main reason for these kind of dreams is the stress you are unable to get rid of in your wakening life….

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…function. Sexuality and fear of it – Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud saw in snake dreams a typical phallic symbolism. The snake may have this meaning very well, especially in dreams of young people. It symbolizes the instinctive impulse of human nature. Since snakes relate with sexuality, then maybe you have unresolved problems in this area or the fear of sexual activity….

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Association: The main aspects of archetypes that are related to consciousness. Question: How I am going to use the aspects of zodiac in relationships with others? General Meanings: Dreams that are related to the zodiac signs have many meanings about people’s behaviour and nature. The dreams about Zodiac comes in many various ways depending on what it means to you,…

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If an unmarried woman dreams that she sees her lover reflected in a mirror, it suggests that she’ll receive a love promise that may not be sincere. If married woman dreams that she sees her husband reflected in a mirror, it announces that she’ll experience moments of anguish because she doubts about her husband’s fidelity. When a young woman dreams

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If a woman of any age dreams herself in a wedding dress without getting married, it might mean that soon she will receive a certain type of abuse and bad news, either from family or friends who are close to her. When a young woman dreams of being dressed as a bride and kissing some people, it is not an…

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I often dream of the same town. Sometimes all the inhabitants appear wearing costumes of one colour, sometimes all appear wearing costumes of another colour, sometimes they all appear clad in black. Having dreamed one of these dreams quite recently, I append the following description:I found myself approaching the town from the direction of a desert. It was a glorious…

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…through which I had so lately travelled in my dreams.”Well!” I said to myself as soon as I fully realised where I was, ”it is quite certain I am not intended to fathom the secret of the ZONE ARTO. They could not have sent me to a safer place. I wonder where on earth I am!”And then there arose a…

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…groups, but does not know how. When a woman dreams that she is admiring her own hands, it symbolizes that she wants to attract the attention of a man. When a woman dreams that she’s admiring the hands of others, it symbolizes envy and also indicates that she will suffer the jealousy of a man. When a woman dreams that…

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Instances in which people owe their “conversions” to dreams are not confined to the Scriptures, but are as common to-day as at any other period of the world’s history.I have frequently questioned men as to the causes that led to their “conversion” and have occasionally elicited very curious replies. A Salvationist, for example, related the following dream, assuring me that…

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Mad Dog

To dream of seeing such an animal frothing at the mouth and running, is a sign you will be wrongfully accused of a dishonourable action or crime. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 12, 61….

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